Markdown Files

HTML or HyperText Markup Language, is one of the main markup languages used during this course. To start, let’s examine a slightly more straightforward markup language known as Markdown.

A Markdown file typically uses the .md extension.

For example, this page that you’re reading right now is the file

Markdown Usage

Markdown files encourage the writer to focus on content and structure, as opposed to formatting. This entire course uses Markdown files and displays them on the web. In other words, at this very moment, you are reading a Markdown file.

This file type allows the writer to identify portions of the text as headers (at various levels), paragraphs, bold, italic, links, code, lists, and tables. It also allows the writer to include images through links in the document easily. Below is an example of Markdown.

# Intro to Markdown

**HTML** or *HyperText Markup Language*, is one of the original markup languages and one you will be using extensively during this course. But to start, let's look at another slightly more straightforward markup language known as **Markdown.**

A Markdown file typically uses the `.md` extension.

For example, this page that you're reading right now is the file ``.

You can see that in other to make words bold, for example, I need to wrap them in double asterisks: **bold**.

development markdown markup processor text